Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wake Up Call?

hye ;')

u know what? Nateeka call i petang td. dlm kul 4 cmtu. i tengah tido. baru blek dari skola, i penat sgt tu yg i tido. tiba2, phone i berbunyi. terkejut i. dengan muka yg masih mengantuk dan blur tu, i tercari-cari lah phone i. TAPI tak sempat nk jwb call dya. haiyoo. pastu dya x call blek pon. ntah apa la mimpi dya call i petang2 buta ni.
kacau org tido jea. haih, tp i sgt lah pelik kenapa dya call i har? dh lama kami tak contact sejak 'fight' ary tu. huhu. lepas tu i pon sambung tido blek. hehe. penatttt.

Read This,

Phone Call..

(Ring) (Ring)

Number you dialed is....

I didn't want to say much right now
Just leaving you a message
Constantly thinking it over
Not much is on my head

I just want to talk to you
Get to know more about you
So please, answer me back

Just a Phone Call to settle things
Clearing up any problematic distress we both have
Hoping to make things go right
Just for one night to see things very bright

(Beep) (Beep)

(Ring) (Ring)


I finally get a chance to get a hold of you
However, it wasn't enough for me
For just an hour of us talking
I felt like we can talk more for awhile
Maybe seeing your lovely smile

I have taken a liking into you
Sweetly you are on my mind
Everyday and as I sleep to dream

Just a Phone Call to settle things
Clearing up any problematic distress we both have
Hoping to make things go right
Just for one night to see things very bright

(Beep) (Beep)

Number you dialed is..
Reach me when you can
Please leave a message for..
Give me a Phone Call back
Leave a call back number or hang up

I want to see you

Ring me up a Phone Call
I'll be here waiting for you
Ring you up a Phone Call
You'll be there waiting for me

I just want to be at your side
To let our voices be heard
Through such fun and lovely conversations
Laughing and enjoying each other's company

To me, you could be the one I have been looking for
From where I am as I stare into the space and stars
To you, I could be the one you have been searching for
From where you are as you stare into the space and glittering stars

Just a Phone Call to answer....

(Dial Tone)

*its a song i think. i get it from cetrobo. :)


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