Saturday, April 17, 2010

Movies; Kick-Ass

hye my bosom friends? ;)

im feelin' so much happy nowdays, HAHA. u know why? okay i will tell u guys. but before dat, today i was hang out with K. hehe. he ask me to company him coz he was bored. were hangout at jusco. but only as a FRIEND(!) not much than dat. okehh! :)
K is such a nice guy. so I was believe in him :) I know he never do nonsense thing on me. btw, even we sit n walk together, I always kept far a bit from him. (protection!) hehe.

ok2 back to what we do.. hmm, first we go to watch movies. yeahh! Kick-Ass was AWESOME!! ;D actually we just wanna try to watch the movies. either it was ok or not. and lastly we find it Superb! no doubt peeps :) haa, one more thing is, movies ticket was pay by K. thanks so much K!! ;)

Kick-Ass was so funny dude! :D at the same time got action scene but its never makes me felt boring.N-E-V-E-R! totally enjoy watching this movies! haha. i think i can give 10/10 star to Kick-Ass! :) waalah! after movies, K and i go fer lepak-ing. just at foodcourt dowh. K wanted to buy me a lunch. but i didn't feel like to eat at that time. so we just having a drink. that was orange juice, sedap jugakk :). hee. then after were chatting2, we want to go back. lol, its only 5 p.m! dlm sejarah, i blah dri jusco se AWAL itu. budak baik ni.. hehe c(: So thanks much-much K fer pay the movies n drinks. :D

*last night, I was text-ing with him. (the one that i told u guys before) remember? hehe. not K la! it was him!! him!! R*****N. hehe. dun want to tell his name here la. too dangerous i guess. hehe. btw, he is the reason i kept smiling, hehe. :) :) :)


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