Friday, April 30, 2010

High School and KFC ;)

salam, :)

hari ini hari jumaat. blek skula awal. agak boring la hari ni. xda apa nk buat. so i plan nk ikot mama pegy sekola nya. (High School) kt sana, nk tolong mama kemas meja kt bilik guru. nk hias2 bagi baru dan cantik. :) wooah, mama i nk menang award ni. so, meja kena cantik la. mama pilih warna tema purple. cute jea i tgk. fail box mama tu haa yg cute. corak Mickey Mouse. dh la favourite i tu. wushh geram, geramm. hehe. :D time mama duk kemas tu, i ada lah snap2 pic. high school kan cantik, its no doubt yeah!

Lepas dh habis kemas2, kami pon blek la. dh pkul 6 dh time tu. lama jugak kami kt situ. klaw duk lama lagi, nnti bertembung dengan budak skola petang plak. diorg nk blek kan. nnti jam. so kami pon cepat2 lah blek. dh sampai padang lalang, mama cakap mama nk makan KFC. i xnk, im on diet rite now. hehe. serious meyh! nk jga badan ni. takot my heart stealer lariii. ngehehe ;D tp mama nk makan jugak kt kfc tu. huh, what to do? kena ikot jeaaa..

ok lah. dats all fer today.
off! :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wake Up Call?

hye ;')

u know what? Nateeka call i petang td. dlm kul 4 cmtu. i tengah tido. baru blek dari skola, i penat sgt tu yg i tido. tiba2, phone i berbunyi. terkejut i. dengan muka yg masih mengantuk dan blur tu, i tercari-cari lah phone i. TAPI tak sempat nk jwb call dya. haiyoo. pastu dya x call blek pon. ntah apa la mimpi dya call i petang2 buta ni.
kacau org tido jea. haih, tp i sgt lah pelik kenapa dya call i har? dh lama kami tak contact sejak 'fight' ary tu. huhu. lepas tu i pon sambung tido blek. hehe. penatttt.

Read This,

Phone Call..

(Ring) (Ring)

Number you dialed is....

I didn't want to say much right now
Just leaving you a message
Constantly thinking it over
Not much is on my head

I just want to talk to you
Get to know more about you
So please, answer me back

Just a Phone Call to settle things
Clearing up any problematic distress we both have
Hoping to make things go right
Just for one night to see things very bright

(Beep) (Beep)

(Ring) (Ring)


I finally get a chance to get a hold of you
However, it wasn't enough for me
For just an hour of us talking
I felt like we can talk more for awhile
Maybe seeing your lovely smile

I have taken a liking into you
Sweetly you are on my mind
Everyday and as I sleep to dream

Just a Phone Call to settle things
Clearing up any problematic distress we both have
Hoping to make things go right
Just for one night to see things very bright

(Beep) (Beep)

Number you dialed is..
Reach me when you can
Please leave a message for..
Give me a Phone Call back
Leave a call back number or hang up

I want to see you

Ring me up a Phone Call
I'll be here waiting for you
Ring you up a Phone Call
You'll be there waiting for me

I just want to be at your side
To let our voices be heard
Through such fun and lovely conversations
Laughing and enjoying each other's company

To me, you could be the one I have been looking for
From where I am as I stare into the space and stars
To you, I could be the one you have been searching for
From where you are as you stare into the space and glittering stars

Just a Phone Call to answer....

(Dial Tone)

*its a song i think. i get it from cetrobo. :)


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I'm All Alone~

_________________________________we used to be like this_____________________________

I'm sitting here - alone
And no one can make me happy...
You are far, far away from here
You don't even think about me
I'm alone, so weak and crying
I'm thinking about our love
What can I do to have you back right now?
I don't know when you come back
I don't know are you still alive...
I don't know - just don't know.
How can I live without you now?

The days are going so long
and make me suffer
I don't remember how to smile...
Can anybody understand me?
I want to see you again
smiling at me and saying:
"Everything will be all right"
Sometimes it's hard to live further
Especialy when You aren't next to me...

There is no one who give me a hand
No one who can restore my smile back...
No one by you...only you...
And I miss you dear.
much more than you can wonder...

___________________________________but now, IM ALONE_________________________________

*I'll be waiting - for Sun in my life again :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Miss You!

I Miss You...

It's amazing how lonely I am
without you by my side.
I miss you so much right now...

I need to feel you against me.
I want to melt in your embrace.
I need you so much right now...

I miss you.
I can't stop thinking about you..
It's like you're stuck in my head,
I think about you everyday...

I feel like I should be dead.
It hurts me,
When I see couples kissing in public
and saying those words..
I wish it was you and me...

I crave the gentle caress
of your lips on my neck...
And the way you whisper in my ear,
that makes me weak at the knees.
I want you so much right now...

I'm not happy until I'm with you.
I miss your smile and your laugh.
I miss your warmth and your touch.
I miss everything that you are.
I miss everything you make me feel,
when we're together.

Every passing day we spend apart
is pure torture...
but seeing you at last,
makes it all worthwhile.
But still I have to say...
I miss you so much right now...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Subzero, Jusco!

how are you? ;')

im fine. hell, i lied! from outside you can see me all fine. but very deep inside my heart, im totally not fine! no one knows. dya? lg la xtau. he had ignored me. OMG, how u gonna goes ur daily life without any message or misscall from him. i mean none, xdak, tiada. huhu. :'(

So today, mama ajak i kuar jap. ke mana ye? jusco! ouh, tempat biasa nmpknya. yeah, jusco is like our second home! :D and we used to it. kt jusco, kami jalan2. and mcm mna ntah, i rasa nk masuk Subzero. i nk tgk2 jea baju dya. harga not bad. RM25. pastu i rasa mcm nk beli, hehe. i pon try kt fitting room. i choose t-shirt yg warna grey tu. mcm vintage jea. i tak pernah lg ada baju grey, so i take it. and it cost RM29.

ouh yea! time i tgh try baju dlm fitting room td, my phone was ringging. tp kejap jea. after dh kuar dr kedai Subzero, i check my phone, and i got one misscall from Ridhwan. OMG!!!! finally, he respond to me!! ahahah. ouh syg, i miss youu taw tak??
hehe. happy sgt he is still alive! ngee :D yela, risau sgt sebab dh satu hari setengah dya mendiamkan diri. haiyoo =___=''

ok lah,
(agak happy)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sadness :'(


i sedihhh sgt hari ni. :'( dya x msj i langsung. yea, langsung tak! satu mesej pon i xdpt hari ni. sedihnya!!! huh, nmpknya dya mmg marahkan i. sebab semalam tu. xkn sbb xckap 'sayang' kita jadi macam ni. hal kecik jea kot. huhu, mcm2 i pkir skrg ni. maybe dya x syg i lg dh coz smlm dya igt yg i tak syg dya. huuu, pliz dun do this to me. ;'(

sumpah, i rasa lain gila hari ni. dya dh berubah kot. tp cepatnya. baru beberapa hari sebelum ni, kami sgttt lah happy. tp sbb kejadian smlm jea, kami dh mcm xrapat. u all phm kan? arrh, i really hate myself rite now! i am the one who causes the trouble! dya mesti tak suka gurl mcm ni kan? huh, what to do. this is me. im a problematic gurl. seriouslyy. its okay if you dun want me anymore, i'll feel my sadness alone, yeah, ALONE!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dingin ;'(


i think problems are starting to hunting me nowdays. seriously! First, today at tuition centre, my friends are teasing me.(again). ouh, my dear. you not do this fer once, but twice! watcha want from me?? thats you call a joke? *bull-shitt! get out from my face! i warn you! yeah, now you makes me really angry! puas??

second problems is, between me and him. we're start texting very nicely but it turns unhappy mood when the way i react with him. (sigh) im sorry dear, i don't know what to say when you call me SAYANG. you want me to say it back to you rite? but isn't too over? i x nak di cop 'perempuan x malu' or 'syok sendiri'. i hope you understand what am i thinking. so, when he call me sayang, i only give a smile. huh, thats the reason he mad at me tonight. he thought that i don't love him. but truth be told, i do loves youu sayang. :') but its too late, he didn't reply my sms. huhu :( my bad.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy :D

hye babe!

kebelakangan ni, mood i sentiasa happy jeaaa.. hehe best la mcm ni. dh lma i xrasa mcm ni taw! :') huhu. so im very happy for it. hmm td time nk blek ke rumah, mama singgah nk beli makan petang jap. aduhh, 'im gonna late fer my appoiment'! hehe, sebenar nya appoiment tu, appoiment dgn wan lah. MESEJ dgn dya. hoho. kt skula igt nk blek awal jea. kesian dya tggu kt rumah sorang2 tu, menanti mesej dari i. hehe. betul kan? wan yg cakap, awk tak leh ke tiap-tiap hari blek awal? asyik blek lambat je.. hehe nk buat mcm mna sayang, i ada kelas tambahan, aktiviti koko and bla bla bla. yg i pon actually xnak attend but i have too. haih, sabar je la. spm tahun ni kan. :') sabarrr.

ok lah, itu je. kt sini taip sikit je.
coz nk taip bnyk2 kt mesej phone plak, hehe. :D

Monday, April 19, 2010

Cupid got Strukk!

Hello friends? :)

apa khabar? anda sihat? i sakit dada lah. haiyoo. hmm, :) td kan kt skula, i asyik teringat kt wan jea. haha. bukan angau lah! tp kebahagian. hehe yeke? lol. ;D kt skula igt nk blek cepat je. nk check hp i, nk msj dya. hehehe. lama dh i x mcm ni dowh! slalu hp i letak mna pon i kesah yaw ;p haha. tp lepas ni, i xkan berenggang dgn hp i, yeah! Never! ;)

wan best sangattt ouh! i suka dya. he is my guy. mine kot? hehe, ntah la. mybe blom lagi. we just go slow slow first, then baru lah.... hehe xtau la. tettt! xD dya pon mcm suka i. i suka cara dya layan i. very sweet taw. hehe. eh dh la, puji sikit2 sudah. meluat pulak u all nnt kan. hahak jeles la tu! ngehehe :D

ok la, nk pegy pasar mlm ni. anything to order? hehe. beli sendiri!
*patut la i sakit dada, dh kena tembak dengan cupid ni! wooah! :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

B.F? ;)

hehek. kenal tak sape ni? kenal tak? hehe. mai beta nk perkenalkan. dya lah yg comment gmbar i dlm facebook tu. sebenarnya i knl dya,tp knl cmtu2 jea. dya xknl i pon. tp dya yg tegur i dulu dlm kami mula knl2 kt situ la. dya bg no phone dya utk berborak lebih lanjut lagi. hehe. then kami pon texting2, sampai la membawa kpd pertemuan yg pertama ni. ngee :D anyway, biar la i terus terang jea, nama dya ialah Mohamad Ridhwan bin Jaafar. :) sweet jea. hehe

semalam kwn i pah call,nk i ajak g jusco. teman dya beli pendrive. so, i pon text Ridhwan nk jumpa dya. dya pon nk jumpa i. cewah cewah cewah, kira baru nk jumpa la ni. hehe. :D so, dh set sume time ngan tempat. tggl pkir bju apa nk pkai je. hehe. serius i xleh duk diam. make sure everything is perfect. yela,nk jumpa dya kan. first impression tu penting! haha.

i janji nk jumpa wan pkul 2. tp i kluar rumah kena g amik pah dulu kt umah dya. dya tumpang i sekali. so sedikit lmbat la. wan dtg tepat kul 2 dowh! bagus btul la dya. kt situ dh bleh nmpk dh orang nya bagus, kan? :) so i text dya suh tggu jap, im on the way. dya pon reply, ok, i'll wait for you.. wooah, cair i! haha :) :)

bila dh smpai, i pon text dya lg. ckp i ada kt kfc. then dya pon dtg laa.. wuuhh, dup dap dup dap nk jumpa dya taw. kfc agak ramai org la, so time dya sampai, i dh nmpk dya dh. tp dya still tercari2 awek pkai bju pink ni. hehe. x lama kemudian, dya pon nmpk la i.hee, i jln p kt dya.gugup seyh! =_=' dya say hai kt kwn2 i. kwn2 i suka la org cmni, senang bergaul n x sombong. so,pah pon bg chance kt i g jln2 dgn dya. pah lepak dengan sepupu dya kt kfc. i dgn wan pon mula meninggalkan kfc....


time jln tu, i sembang2 skit. tp i x berani pandang muka dya lagi. hehe maluu. bygkan mulut i duk kumat kamit cakap tp kepala tunduk bawah. haha mesti kelakar kan. then, lama2 i dh ok skit la. curi2 tgk muka dya. dya pon malu2 jugak ni. hehe first2 tu dya pkai bju apa pon i xtau sbb x tgk. then baru nmpk dgn jelas, dya pkai tshirt hitam kt dlm n jaket npis wrna merah kt luar. kasut putih(paul smith). hoho teruk la i ni. maluu tahap extreme. tp mcm mna bleh setuju nk kuar dgn dya pon xtau la. hehe c(:

first kami jln2 g ke wyg. sje nk tgk movies pe yg ada. tgk punya tgk ALL movies pkul 7 dan ke atas. adoiyai, sume time mlm jea. petang tarak langsung! pe daa.. so, kami pon tak tengok la. disebabkan sume tiket ada time mlm jea. i klaw hangout pon, takat kul 6 lebih cmtu jea. kul 7 dh smpai kt umah dh.x kuar smpai mlm. sme la mcm wan. hehe :)

next, dya suh i temankan dya pegy gift shop. nk beli present utk kwn sepupu dya. form 2. indian girl. mlm ni wt birthday party kt pizza hut autocity. dya dijemput jugak. so dya ckp xkn nk pegy mkn jea, at least kita buy something la kan. yup, btul tu. n disbbkan i pon girl,dya mintak i tolg cari present ni. girl tau la apa yg girl suka, btul tak? hehe. shop yg muncul kt kpala otak i time tu ialah S+J. yela, situ senang. mmg kdai give pon. so kami g situ. kt situ best ouh. i tolg suggest kt dya mcm2. hehe. harga mahal skit dya xnk, dya ckp klaw beli kt awak xpela mhal2 cmni. ni utk kwn sepupu sy tu jea. even sy xknl pon kwn sepupu sy tu. kira sbgai ckup syarat jea la ni. hehe. seronok dgr dya sggup nk beli barang yg mhal kt i. hehe. so kami dh cpai kta putus utk amik satu frame ni, ada tulis happy birthday. mmg comel la sesuai utk budak form2 tu. hehe. harga plak rm6.90. tmbah dgn paper bag rm2.00. sume total up rm8.90. pndai tak kami bajet? hehe dya ckp reasonable. hehe. kelakar la dya.

after dat,dya ckp dya nk mkan. kesian dya xmkan lg. sbb dya nk mkn sama2 dgn i. OMG, sweet kan? :) sggup berlapar. padahal i dh mkn kt rumah td. hehe bukan apa, mama i masak ary ni. xkn xmkn msakan mama. nnt mama ckp pe plak kan. so i pon mkn skit sbgai lapik apa2 pon bf i tgh lapar ni bhaii, haha. jum g mkn! hmm dya ajak g mkn kt mcd, but mcd was FULL! tau knpa full? sbb Siti Nurhaliza dtg jusco. serius x tipu. dya dtg untk promote produk baru dya tu. Simply Siti. so mmg org ramai gla. hari ahad plak tu. hmm mcd dh cancel so, dya ckp pasal hot plate. hot plate kt food court ada la. so, kami pon g mkn kt food court. dya xkesah pon. bgus dya. hehe. i xnk hot plate, so i nk beli masakan thai utk i. tp dya nk belikan utk i. i ckp nk beli sendiri, tp dya nk sgt2 beli utk i. ok la, last skali i terpaksa mengalah. dya g beli utk i. tp i ckp kt dya, awk yg nk belanja so awk la plih mknan apa. sy xkesah apa2 pon. then, dya beli nasi ayam kt i. bukan calang2 punya taw, rm6 satu nasi ayam ni. mahal la bg i. n air pon dya belikan. terima kasih bnyk2 wan. :) terhutang budi kt awk tau.


tak abes lg, hehe. i rasa ni post entry yg pling panjang kot. bnyk story i nk citer ni. hehe. so baca lah ye? ngee :D

lepas mkn, kami jln2 lagi.go shop to shop. but just window shopping la. then, singgah tgk siti jap. hehe snap2 pic siti. datuk k pon ada tau. wan puji dya hensem. haha. adoii. pastu kami duduk jap kt kerusi depan kedai vincci tu. kami pon TERsnap2 pic kami. hoho ;) hasilnya seperti yg anda dapat lihat di atas tu la. ngee :) apa komen anda? sweet kan? tauuu dh! cehh, gila prasan kan? hehe sory! sory!.;D

lastly, dya ajak i pegy mcd. coz dya nk wifi melalui hp dya. nk on facebook. at last dpt duk kt mcd, setelah EMPAT kali dtg, tetapi asyik full jea. time tu dh kul 6.siti pon nk blek orang pon dh kurang la. dpt la tmpat akhirnya. tp tu pon table just for two. boleh la. dya suh i stay. dya pegy beli drinks n fries. *ehem, lagi sekali dya blnja i.aduh, maluu la. asyk dya jea yg blnja ;p xpe2 next time, sy plak yg blnja awak okeh? :)

baru lima minit duk situ, pah call i. dya tnya i kt mna. nk blek dh kot. dya kan tumpang blek dgn i, so kena ikut i la. tp wan xbg i blek lg. dya ckp kejap laa..hehe npe la dya suka wt i cairr. haiyoo ;p hmm pah sampai mcd n join kami sekali. best dowh! kalw xde lg best! hehehehe.
kacau daun la hang! hehek :D tp wan baik, peramah. dya ok jea even ada org kacau daun. haha. kami wifi fb. *i guna hp dya! hehe. :)then kami sembang rancak la. kelakar btul. i sampai gelak tak henti2. adoii, x cun dh. hehe. pastu kul 6.30 mak wan call suh balik awal sbb mlm ni nk pegy birthday party plak kan. so, kami pon igt smpai situ jea la. i pon dh call ayah suh dtg amik.ayah dtg cepat jea. dua minit sampai! hahaha. xde la secepat itu.
sepuluh minit cmtu la. tp wan ckp kt i, xnk anta sy smpai parking moto ke? Ya Allah, lebur terus hati i ni, bukan takat cair dh. HOHO. :D dya suka rupanya hangout dgn i. nk duk lma2 dgn i. smpai nk blek pon susah nk berenggang tu. hehe,sweet kan? ;) I LIKE IT!!!! hehe. so i pon anta dya smpai tmpt moto. then dya suh teka mna satu moto dya, i teka dengan btul. yay 10 markah utk i! hahak :D pastu say bye2 n tata ;) take care...<3

Wuhh, today was the BEST DAY ever!!! (in my life) i guess. hehe. dh lma i tak sehappy ni tau. he really really turns my mood from happy too extra extra extra happy! hehe. so, conclusion is i mmg happy dengan dya. best bla duk dgn dya. dya plak jenis org yg easy going. i suke cmni la. selalu2 cmni k? ;) today, 18 April. i akan igt date ni. hari paling bahagia dlm hidup i! hehe. wan, thanks fer everything ok? thanks! :)

ok la,dh penat taip kot.
hehe korang pon penat baca kan. mesti lepas ni xnk baca blog i dh kan. hahaha.
k off~
Mood;undiscribeable! hee ;)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Movies; Kick-Ass

hye my bosom friends? ;)

im feelin' so much happy nowdays, HAHA. u know why? okay i will tell u guys. but before dat, today i was hang out with K. hehe. he ask me to company him coz he was bored. were hangout at jusco. but only as a FRIEND(!) not much than dat. okehh! :)
K is such a nice guy. so I was believe in him :) I know he never do nonsense thing on me. btw, even we sit n walk together, I always kept far a bit from him. (protection!) hehe.

ok2 back to what we do.. hmm, first we go to watch movies. yeahh! Kick-Ass was AWESOME!! ;D actually we just wanna try to watch the movies. either it was ok or not. and lastly we find it Superb! no doubt peeps :) haa, one more thing is, movies ticket was pay by K. thanks so much K!! ;)

Kick-Ass was so funny dude! :D at the same time got action scene but its never makes me felt boring.N-E-V-E-R! totally enjoy watching this movies! haha. i think i can give 10/10 star to Kick-Ass! :) waalah! after movies, K and i go fer lepak-ing. just at foodcourt dowh. K wanted to buy me a lunch. but i didn't feel like to eat at that time. so we just having a drink. that was orange juice, sedap jugakk :). hee. then after were chatting2, we want to go back. lol, its only 5 p.m! dlm sejarah, i blah dri jusco se AWAL itu. budak baik ni.. hehe c(: So thanks much-much K fer pay the movies n drinks. :D

*last night, I was text-ing with him. (the one that i told u guys before) remember? hehe. not K la! it was him!! him!! R*****N. hehe. dun want to tell his name here la. too dangerous i guess. hehe. btw, he is the reason i kept smiling, hehe. :) :) :)


Friday, April 16, 2010

What A Surprise?! ;D

hello. hello! :)

actually i cannot use my maxis broadband. so, i plan to go online-ing at kapitan, or knows as Kedai Mamak! hehe. normal la, nowdays many people, especially STUDENT go there,bring their own laptop and sit there for many hours! yeahh, i think its cool..

at 4 pm, friday evening, i ask my father to send me at kapitan and my father do so. hehe thanks dad! :) i also text my frends to come n join me wifi-ing. but that was a rainy day. so its difficult fer them to come because they were riding a motocycle. hmm so i think i was alone. but nevermind, i use to it. hehe ;p

at first hour, i was wifi-ing at kapitan, then i feel like want to change place lah. HAHA dunno why. ish3 wierd behavingg! hehe. rains already stop. i pay my drink, then i go to Nash donut that located behind Kapitan. but not behind. a bit far. but not so far. haish mcm2! hehe :) i need to walk to reach there,Alone. kecian kan? kecian kan? emm.. suddenly my fone ringing, and it was pah! ask me where i am, i said Nash. and she wanna come with tie. yeahh! finally im not alone! hehe.


while we are wifi-ing, talk-ing n lepak-ing, i was on facebook. my laptop was infront of me,(of course) my frends got their own! then, suddenly i got new notification. it was a photo comment, by somebody that i never chat with. but i knew him. im the one who add him to my frends but never say anything. now he say 'hi' to me first. hehe What A Surprise har?! :D after that, we chatting2 a bit. and he want to frend with me, so he give his fone number. Hehe seems like we gonna have some big love affair. ececeh ;p ain, u are so fast, slow it down a bit bebeh! haha.

ok peeps, its already 6.30 pm. i must go back home before maghrib. i call my dad to fetch me, and what a surprise?! (Again) my dad are with my mum at kapitan. looking fer me, but i was'nt there, coz i've been moving to Nash, remember? haha. funny lah. i forgot about that. haiyoo. ain..ain.. hehe ;P

ok thats all fer now :),

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not bad at all! :)

hey! come on sing along! :)

Malay Version;

Disini,disini kita berkumpul,
Disini,disini kita berkumpul,
Hey! :D

English Version;

Here we are,here we are, here we are again,
Here we are,here we are, here we are again,
Hey! :D

Chinese Version;

Chai che lee,chai che lee,wo men chai che lee,
Chai che lee,chai che lee,wo men chai che lee,
Ni hao?,ni hao?..Ni hao!ni hao!ni hao!
Hey! :D

Tamil Version;

Hey! :D

Bajau Version;

Disini,disini kita ketemu.
disini,disini kita ketemu.
Nian abal,nian abal..nian abal!nian abal!nian abal!
Hey! :D

*i learn it from rangers. i think its cool because theres a lots of langues! chinese version that i love the most! hee :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

going to camp, best ke?

hey :)

sebentar lagi i akan ke sekolah i untuk menyertai kem. OMG, what the hack am i wrote just now. HAHA xleh bla. ok2, actually, sekola i.. sekola i? a'ah. yg tu la.. yg smk power rangers uh. haha. i mmg xsuka gila skola ni. i think its the worst in penang. (trust me) apa pon tarak. budak2 lgsung x spoting. mmg bosan arh! so, i pon tgh wondering ni nk pegy or tak kem yg diadakan di sekolah i sendiri tu. (werkk) kawasan yg setiap hari i duk tengok. gerenti x best. pe laa cikgu2 ni, lain kali nk wt kem, wt la kt luar. tmpt best2. baru budak seronok nk pegy. ni, sume pegy sbb terpaksa. dengan muka yg x ikhlas tu. hehe i tau la...

so, i dh made up mind. i akan pegy jugak. even, tmpt yg XBEST! i BOSAN! and kem tu curi masa cuti i selama dua hari!!! hell! xpe2. ain sabar ain.. kita pegy nk timba ilmu, cari pengalaman n menjlankan tugas. igt tu ain. ok2 :) xpela, lgpon i pegy ni sebagai photographer skola jew. bukan peserta kem pon. hahak. buat kecoh jea! werrkll :P hmm, i akan berada di sekolah selama 3 hari. so, i xkan blogging lah. huh, sedihh ;( hek, nnt i balek hari ahad ni. i story kt u guys okeh, bye! :)

ok, off~
*nk kemas brg utk camping!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

I love u Bitch!


hari ni, hari apa ek? hari menyampah aku kot!! aku bukan senang nk menyampah org, tp ada la minah dua org ni sje nk test aku hah?! shitt la weyh! xhebat mna pon! reti??

ok, aku tau aku tumpang hg naik moto, tapi hg yg ajak. so, kalaw dh ajak tu, buat la cara ajak. ni gaduh pasal benda laen, nk ungkit pasal aku tumpang hg wtpa? GILA! aku tau hg termalu td depan mimi,awatif n aimi tu. sbb tu hg blas dengan ckp cmtu kt aku kan. aku akan igt pe hg ckp kt aku. weyh, law aku tau nk jadi mcm ni, aku x tumpang hg la weyh. and one more thing, xyah la berlagak sgt coz moto tu pon bukan hg punya. xpe2, naik la moto tu sorang2. aku xnk dh. SERIK! thanks so much yeah!! :)

kt tusyen plak, td aku dtg terlambat sikit. sbb aku tertido petang. penat dowh, petang klas tmbhan,mlm tusyen lak. then, bangun2 tengok jam dh kul 8. act, tusyen start kul 8 la. tp aku nk mandi n ciap2 lg. kul 8.30 jugak la baru aku sampai tmpt tusyen. aku tau aku slah. dan aku pon xnk dtg lmbat lg. so, aku bukak pintu kelas nk masuk. nmpak cikgu aku kt depan. then, aku pon ckp ''sorry sir.. i know im late'' sir tu pon ok jea. bagilah aku masuk. tapi kan! TAK SEMPAT aku nk duduk pon kt kerusi tu, ada minah sorang ni ckp kt aku, ''weyh, mai lambat! igt tusyen ni mak hg punya ka?!'' huh... naik darah aku dengar minah tu ckp mcm tu. muka aku tension giler arh. mna tak nye, tiba2 kuar ayat cmtu! xpuas hati kt mna pon xtau lah! siall! hg jeles aku mai lambat? abes, hg igt aku suka plus sengaja nk mai lambat kah?! bodo! aku kan dh msj hg td minah oii! aku ckp aku tertido kan, so aku dtg lmbat sikit. xpaham msj aku ke? lantak kaw la! saja nk cari gadoh!

haa, aku mcm ni la. pantang org nk cari gadoh dengan aku. mmg aku x kasi muka arhh kepada loser2 sekalian ni! nk tunjuk hebat depan kawan2 lain, padahal x hebat mna pon. tolong la weyh, sedih aku tgk. better stop act like that or other people will feel annoiying with u guys! seriouslyy :)

k la, off. (sumpah hati aku skrg sakit yg teramat!)
*eh, kasar kan duk 'aku' 'aku', hmm biarlah. baru puas! HAHA :)

Monday, April 5, 2010

no more bike! ;(

HELL-O guys!

uh, starting from today, i dh xbleh naik moto dengan pah lg. dia excident ary tu, so parents dia x benarkan dia bawak moto lg dh. haiyoo! dia pon nnt naik dengan azreen. i kena lah suruh mak i anta. susah tau tak. law lambat, mak bising. kena ketapi la. trafic light la. naik dengan kwn senang. tp kadang2 tu tak juga. hmm, payah! senang2 duk umah jea. xyah g skula! btol tak? haha :)

k la, off.
*kerja skula bnyk siott ;P

Sunday, April 4, 2010


yeah! ;-)

At last!! i dpt pijak kaki kt rnr tu. kwn2 xnk bawak pegy? xpe2 i pegy sendiri. x kisah punye..:)

ok, petang ahad i mcm bosan duk umah. then i pon ajak la mama kuar g mna2 pon xpe la. pastu mak bawak g jusco, sbb g mkn kot. ntah i pon dh x igt. hehe. pastu duk round2 kt dlm jusco tu. ayah pon call. kami pon terus g amik ayah yg baru blek dari bukit merah.
lepas amik ayah, i ckp nk pegi rnr. ayah pon ok jea. kami 3 beranak ni pon pegy la..


sampai2 tgk, bapak arh gila ramai org kt situ. haiyoo. sesak mcm ada konsert, padahal x pon. nasib baik ada parking. xde la jln jauh sgt. tau kan i suke merungut n lepas tu, mula lah wat muka tension, bebal sana sini. haha. tau pon. hmm kuar2 keta jea, dh jumpa org yg i mcm kenal la. act, bukan mcm, mmg kenal pon. tp kt skula diorg sombong,xsuke i. ok, i pon xnk tegur diorg n wt2 xnmpk. padan muka..:) fullstop

lepas mak g beli air kt mini mart tu, kami pon jln menuju ke pantai. wooh, x sabar ni! haha bese la, (org perak x penah pegy rnr kan) ok2, F-I-N-E ! :) i xpenah spend time kt sini, bukan mcm korang. so biarlah i nk get knowing about these places. im learning okeh? nk jugak tau pe yg best sgt smpai ulang2 kali dtg sini. nmpk mcm x best mna pon. terutamanya makanan kt situ. perhh, hampeh! sory :) i just said the truth. ok, enough bout that herh.

kt beach, i pegy jugak la kt air tu. ombak best, kuat jugak. tapi sayang, air kotor. yela kalau kt feringghi air cantik, dongak atas nmpk batu2 or pulau. tp kt rnr ni. air kotor sbb hujung sana tu ada kilang n perlabuhan.kapal2 melepaskan minyaknya. aduh, sgt menyedihkan... :-/

kt beach i ada snap2 pic. pic mak n ayah pon ada. of coz la ada, sbb i kan pegy dengan diorg. dengan kebenaran dan juga keredhaan mak ayah. hehe. jom tengok pic tu!


hello, good morning :)

its 11 am. i guess its still morning kan. woot, tapi kami x bgun lmbat la. kami bgun kul...ermm ada la. tp yg pasti x lambat sgt herh. hehe. ;)

okeyh, bgun bukak mata jea terus sembang. haha mulut mmg x boleh berhenti ckp. especially mimi. haha btul pe? jgn mrh.. :) xpe la sma2 smbang, then kemas2 tmpt tido pastu turun bwh tgk tv. jap je, then masak nasi goreng utk breakfast. hmm, mcm ni la kami setiap kali duk umah pah. benda yg sama jugak kami wat. tapi lama2 leh jd pro taw! hehe. yg selalu sama uh, menu makan la! asyk maggi n nasi goreng jea. tapi kami x penah jemu..:)

haha, td best sgt sbb kami wat video guna camera mimi. wat video kami jln2 dlm umah. ckp2. melawak. haha, best sgttt :D kami kacau pah. dia tgh jemur kain kt balkoni. dia malu la dengan muka x mandi lg, pkai baju kelawar lak tu. hehe. punya marah dia td kami duk rakam2, haha. relax weyh! video ni kita simpan private utk kita jea. xkan upload kt mna2 la. org lain xkan tau. *ehem, video ini TIDAK mengandungi bahan2 lucah ye, cuma ada muka2 xmandi jea. bukan utk tatapan umum. takot org lari plak coz mgkin dpt bau masham! hahaha :D jokes guys!

k la, lepas tu jam pon menunjukkan kul 12. xnk la lama2 sgt kt umah pah. i pon blek umah sendiri. tp sebelum tu, anta mimi dulu. hmm. then jue anta i plak. ok thankz sume2 yg terlibat. especially pah, tido umah pah kan. so thankz fer all. :)

ok, see u guys kt skola esk.
p/s: pah x pegy kot coz masih sakit?

sleep at pah house!


hujung minggu ni i spend time dekat rumah kawan jea. best wooh! :) bese la coz lepak dengan kwn2 kan? mcm2 citer kami borak. hehe. mlm sabtu, pah call i then ayah pon anta i g umah dia secepat yg mungkin. hoho. kul 8 dh terpacak depan gate dia. hehe. pastu i pon masuk la. tengok umah senyap jea. mybe mimi n jue x sampai agy. yela, i kan awal sgt,hehe :D

okeh, gaya i nk msuk umah pah jea, hp i bunyi... mimi call daa.. dia suruh amik dia. adoii, ni minah sorang lg. aku pon mai suh ayah aku anta tau? kesian kt ayah aku, dh pencen jd drebar aku lak. kdg2 aku kesian jugak. tp bleh jea pon. awat mimi ni x suh ayah dia anta. hmm xpe la. i jenis kwn yg xberkira ok? hehe. i pon letak beg i dan pinjam moto pah n drive g amik mimi.


sampai umah pah, i duduk jap tgk tv. yg jue xsampai agy. jue xpe. dia ada moto. dia akan dtg sendiri. tp dia dh gtau yg dia lambat sikit sbb g kuar mkn mlm dengan family. hmm yg kami ni x mkn lg, so i pon g la tgk pe yg ada kt dapur. atas meja, ada mee goreng. maybe mak pah yg tggl kan utk dia. satay pon ada. so kami pon perhangat la blek. nk perhangat pon lama mcm duk masak gulai. haha :D

time kt meja mkn, pah citer la kt mimi yg dia excident pagi td. actually i dh tau. time pah call i td tu. sbb tu dia suh g tido umah dia mlm ni. temankan dia yg sedang sakit ni la kan.. kesian dia. excident berlaku kerana ada moto lain himpit dia. time tu dia naik dengan adik angkat dia, Jani. dh terbabas, terkena gerai tepi jln tu plak. makcik gerai tu minta ganti rugi dowh! rm 300! pah xtau mna nk cari duit byr hutang! adoii..;( excident luka dia teruk jugak la. ish, i xbleh la dengar luka2 ni. ngeri tekak. hoho fullstop!

lepas mkn, tgk tv lg. haha klaw tiap2 hari cmni gemuk la. huhu ;p homework pon xbuat, harap bwk jea. haha. xpe la, weekend jea pon hari utk berehat-rehat. x gitu? hehe. lepas jue smpai, kami pon mula main laptop n proses peng-hasilan gmbar. haha sbb dia tu bab2 moden ni pandai la. tp math jgn tnya dia. haha kami snap2 gmba sume then upload ke myspace dan juga facebook :)

pah n mimi dh terlena kt sofa. kesian diorg.. patutnya kami tido kt atas, kt dlm bilik. tapi i dgn jue x habis2 online. x sedar, dh kul 3 pagi bhaii! haha. lambatnya kami tido. tapi mmg cmni la klaw tido kt umah kwn. mcm2 benda nk sembang kan. hoho ok2. off sume..time to sleep~ goodnite :)

catch up laterr tommorow :)