Friday, January 22, 2010

register fer tuition!

Hell-O guys ;)

today at school was great i think. we had pj on morning! (have fun yaw) ;D, then enter the class room, teacher mazuin teach us sivic ok? so, our sivic is A++ gred yewp! ngee.. ;)

history was superb by, En Mohd Ridzuan! but, but, homework is too much, err..never mind, at least im not getting bored ni class! ;)) lastly, eco, (not bad) just copyying the note n its done! luv it yaw! ;D

before last period, i got meeting with photography club. oh yea!! ehem2 ;) i now pronouncing my self is a school photografer! great rite? i meant, very great! HAHA, sory coz too over, but truly is im over excited!! ;D HAHA so, En Sany (our leader of club) giving a bla bla bla.. ;)
but, we had to go back a little bit late, 12.30.. usually 12 on time! so, i miss my date, HAHA.. cof cof..huk huk..

okeyh, that evening, my frend fetch me n we go to perda..our future tuition place, hehe..need to tell more about my tuition location? HAHA no need la kan.. nnt u all ggu i nk study lak..acehh ;P then we ask about the class, the day, n how much to pay..OMG, one subject only cost rm40! expensive rite? i agreed! last year, i tuition at kaliber taman ciku, one subject only rm16. (jauh beza kan?)more cheaper, n maybe cheapest i think! but here, rm40 dude! how i want to look out fer the money?? of coz la from my mom! hehe ;) i called my mom, then she agreed n i fill the form. i take only one subject(accounts yea?) my stream! the register fee is rm20, so rm40 plus rm20 became rm60! haaa..pokai! keh3 ;D

before get back, we eat first at BM TOMYAM, thankz fer NONE of our sponsor, HAHA! ;D
bayar sndri la weyh!! guys, hangout was really great n congrats coz we finish all of our food yaw! not wasting rite? so its good lah!

ok,dats all fer today,
c ya!! ;))

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