Saturday, January 9, 2010

New blog!


i just created a new blog today! uk dis also my first post,klau de yg xkne,just comment uk?ayat saya mmg tungging-langgang n bhsa rojak, mntak maaf yea? huhu, so peliz phm2 je la ape yg saya tulis ni,xphm pon just wt2 phm,hehe!

owrait, i guess fer the 1st post ni xyah la talk bnyk2 sgt kan, im kinda boring person, n i really noe dat ngee~ kgd2 best la ngan saya ni,kdg2 boring kott? HAHA..but,but, i still wanna do the talk n try to make u all x boring, uk! nk jugakk.

lastly, i think it's not too late to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! bye 2009, welcome 2010! but, i still miss 2009 lah, its full of fun n joy! really miss it! xpe la, just go on with 2010 n hoping it give us MORE fun,joy n SUCCESS!Amin...


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