Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'what the crocs'? ahaha :D

waasup peeps ;)

today im feelin so much better. more energize than yesterday yaw! :D no wonder lah, yesterday, after back from school at 3 p.m, I just go strrraight to my room n buum yeahh! :) tido lah, pe lg.. hasil from takin a panadol dude! ;) veryy sleepy, zzZzz.. i've been sleeping until 11 p.m. very longgg time dowh! dush =__=''.

ouh,tomorrow im gonna go for a school trip. but just in one day la. from 8.30 a.m to 1 p.m. after that, all students that go fer the trip also must join the cocuriculum. haih, tired. tired. and ouh yea! women smkpr teachers was so *****! really piss me off!what so big deal har?? im just losing the trip form. why need to speak louder until the whole school know about this small matter. haih. just give me the new one lah, end of story rite? ;)

enough of that! i dun want this angry feelin ruin my mood tomorrow, okehh! :') tomorrow i'll be free fer a half day. no sleeping in class n no 'telinga bernanah', hehe. :) and ouh yeah!! while im online at facebook this evening, i saw Nateeka new pic. he wore a pink colour crocs! wooah, soo cute meyhh! :) and i quicklyy comment on that picture. hehe. ;p

ok la, dats all.

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