Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Night Movies; Furry Vengeance :D

hello? its 12.30 Midnight and i've not sleep yet. ;)

you know what, i just came back from Jusco. watching movies with my heart stealer! hehehehehe :D actually, when i see him at Hinode today evening, he ask me to go out this night. wooah, first time meyh kuar hangout mlm. but this is not so to 'hangout'. its just for a night movies. no shopping, no lunch, no walking all around Jusco and no other friends. just me and him sitting in the cinema and watch movies for about 2 hours. yeahh! i think its cool!

Furry Vengeance was totally Hillarious!! :D it makes me can't stop laughing over and over again. really funny dude! hmm, at one scene, wan was laugh sooo loud dude! wooah, menakutkan. hehe. hahaha cannot forget about the actor shout; Miley Cyrusss! hehe. u guys should go watch the movies and find out what the hall is im talking about! hehe.

So, tonight was a GREATTTT night ever in my life! :) im so in love, yeah! no doubt peeps, no doubt! ;) in love with the way he treats me. so gentle. he keep smiling at me without annoid feeling. he is sooo cute! ;) ahhh, im feel like in heaven. wooah! im too over rite? hehe :) sorry.. ouh yea, *the ticket was paid by him, thanks wan ;) and thanks a lot fer tonight. really enjoyed with youu! ;D

End of the entry.
*he ask fer out again next time. :)
mood; happy. happy. happy :D

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