Tuesday, June 8, 2010


pusing kepala anda! ;)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Mood to Blogging...

hye people of the world? IM BACKKKKK!

hmm, lama gila ah i tak post entry. rindu tak? hehehe. xpayah la rindu2, geli kot?? hoho. xde mood ah. sila kira berapa hari i tarak tulis ini blog! huhu,i asyik buka je, tapi tutup blek.. dh xde mood nk tulis kan. nk wt cmne. i law nk blogging, kne ada mood. time tu mmg ckp bnyk smpai xnk henti ah. haha. mcm skrg ni pon, mood i bleh la tahannn. erm.

td exam sains. not bad lah. tapi mmg ok la. sbb soalan bleh dijwb jea. slalu sains mmg i tak bleh p arh. xphm soalan dya. memeningkan! tapi td ok la. i boleh jwb semua. termasuk soalan esei tu skali. hoho best best! :) masa pon cukup. bukan mcm exam bm tu. bg i 3 jam pon, mmg tak kan ckup, serius! soalan punya la bnykkkk. hmm tapi sains, i target jugak lah. confident ni! hehe

ouh yeaa, i still can't forget for what had happened. *shit(!) its like stuck in my head n dun want to go out. *WTF. i dun need all this problems! huh, tmbah2 mggu ni mggu exam. pliz, im begging youu.. sampai bila sume ni akn berakhir? ;'( adoii, cobaan exam nih! time exam jugak lah sume ni nk jd!! vavi dohh! hmm nasib baik la kt skola i ada kwn2. mereka sgt memahami. thanks weyh! ;) td time smbg2 best lah, tpi bila exam dh start, masing2 xleh ckp dh, sume senyap sunyi, Allah je la tahu mcm mna perasaan i time tu. huh.

ok la, dats all fer today.
*heyy, Yang tegur i td kt skola. dya tnya ''pkul brapa skrg''? hehe. i pon jwb lah. ''pkul 11.28..'' haha. xpe, tu pon dh ckup menggembirakan i.. hihi igt senang ka dya nk tegur i??! dya dh la handsome, hensem plak tu! haha.

Monday, May 17, 2010



tekanannnnn!! masalah oh masalah! seakan-akan menghampiri aku! even dh ada masalah pon sekarang ni. haiyoo! =__=' tension btul lah! serius! weyh, aku nk gtau lah kan. tu pon klaw hg baca! aku rimas lah hg duk kacau aku. i mean, duk tepon aku, msj aku. and harap di balas plak tu. haish, memang xtau malu! bila kena marah, pi ngadu kt kawan aku plak. pastu mintak tolong dya. heyy! igt dya nk tolong hg ke?? dya pon rimas lah. and sekarang kwn aku pon xnk di ganggu! ada paham?? law xphm, hg mmg xde otak! senang cakap. huh, tension gila. dh la nk SPM ni. masalah bodoh ni dtg plak. *vavi!

heyy you loser! now, just accept the fact that we never gonna be together! yeah, N-E-V-E-R! biaq lah, aku nk kawan dgn sapa pon. hg xde hak nk halang. tolong okeh? shame on you lah. orang dh xnk, duk gila talak pa lg? adoii. malu. malu. hahaha. heyy, u ask for it rite?! amik kaw! aku xkisah apa aku nk ckp. tp yg pling menjadi masalah aku skrg, aku rimas! rimas! R-I-M-A-S!! bila la kaw nk paham? aku bahagia tanpa kaw! now, aku nk idop dengan org yg aku suka, so you pliz back off! ;p

~End of entry~
mood; hell yeahh!

Sunday, May 16, 2010


Hye.. :)

its Sunday! so macam biasa, i just love to spend time kt rumah jea. cuti kan. malas nk kuar sgt. klaw pegy shopping xpe lah. hehe. shopping jgn sebut, dari tak de semangat, jadi bersemangat terus! HAHA. tapi kan, pagi tadi ayah i call and ajak pegy sukaneka kt padang Desa Damai tu. taman sapa lah tu ek. hehe ;p ouh, macam mls gila ah nk pegy, tp i tetap ciap2 n pegy jugak. pegy tunjuk muka jea mama cakappp. haha. ok la tu.

sampai sana, mama daftar nama n kami dpt kupon cabutan bertuah dan juga kuih utk santapan ringan. sambil makan kami tgk2 la acara yg berlangsung. NOT BAD. i duk bawah khemah ngan mama, sembang2. best. even time tu panas gila bhaii. padahal baru pukul 10 PAGI! panasnya boleh membakar kulit yg putih ini. HAHAHA ;D

then, ada satu acara ni ayah letak nama utk masuk. tapi yg kena masuk, i dengan abg i. adoii. igt nk pegy tunjuk muka jea. tapi xnk lah amik acara sume ni. haiyaaa. so, i pon pegy la wt acara uh. isi air dlm botol menggunakan span. not bad, kami dapat no 3. ok la kan, dari masuk n tak dapat pape. dapat hadiah towel. hehe warna pink! suke. :) selain tu, kami dapat hadiah cabutan bertuah. ayah i dpt, mama dpt, abg i pon dapat. sume mcm hamper jea. dpt biskut n benda2 yg packaging ni. nasi kandar pon kami dapat. i dh makan dh n skrg i kenyang and nk tido. hehe. apa2 pon, syukur Alhamdulillah ;) *sori no picture lah, kamera tak bawak. ;)

ok la, not bad kan hari ni.
OFF to sleep.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tuition Centre ;)

hey, waasup?

i've been a bit buzy nowdays. but still gonna post some entry's everyday. even a very very simple entry. :) oh yeahh, day at school, night at tuition. thursday will be my most tiring day ;p but its okay. if all my friends treat me just like i want. no fooling around. it would be a great day! trust me :) Tonight, we're learning about 'Belanjawan Tunai'. and i enjoy doing it. easy maybe? :) well, its good fer me cause account also a hard subject to catch up. ok lah, i think thats all fer today, i want to sleep n wake up fer tomorrow. and its Friday! yeahh, i loves Friday!! :D


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Night Movies; Furry Vengeance :D

hello? its 12.30 Midnight and i've not sleep yet. ;)

you know what, i just came back from Jusco. watching movies with my heart stealer! hehehehehe :D actually, when i see him at Hinode today evening, he ask me to go out this night. wooah, first time meyh kuar hangout mlm. but this is not so to 'hangout'. its just for a night movies. no shopping, no lunch, no walking all around Jusco and no other friends. just me and him sitting in the cinema and watch movies for about 2 hours. yeahh! i think its cool!

Furry Vengeance was totally Hillarious!! :D it makes me can't stop laughing over and over again. really funny dude! hmm, at one scene, wan was laugh sooo loud dude! wooah, menakutkan. hehe. hahaha cannot forget about the actor shout; Miley Cyrusss! hehe. u guys should go watch the movies and find out what the hall is im talking about! hehe.

So, tonight was a GREATTTT night ever in my life! :) im so in love, yeah! no doubt peeps, no doubt! ;) in love with the way he treats me. so gentle. he keep smiling at me without annoid feeling. he is sooo cute! ;) ahhh, im feel like in heaven. wooah! im too over rite? hehe :) sorry.. ouh yea, *the ticket was paid by him, thanks wan ;) and thanks a lot fer tonight. really enjoyed with youu! ;D

End of the entry.
*he ask fer out again next time. :)
mood; happy. happy. happy :D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

'what the crocs'? ahaha :D

waasup peeps ;)

today im feelin so much better. more energize than yesterday yaw! :D no wonder lah, yesterday, after back from school at 3 p.m, I just go strrraight to my room n buum yeahh! :) tido lah, pe lg.. hasil from takin a panadol dude! ;) veryy sleepy, zzZzz.. i've been sleeping until 11 p.m. very longgg time dowh! dush =__=''.

ouh,tomorrow im gonna go for a school trip. but just in one day la. from 8.30 a.m to 1 p.m. after that, all students that go fer the trip also must join the cocuriculum. haih, tired. tired. and ouh yea! women smkpr teachers was so *****! really piss me off!what so big deal har?? im just losing the trip form. why need to speak louder until the whole school know about this small matter. haih. just give me the new one lah, end of story rite? ;)

enough of that! i dun want this angry feelin ruin my mood tomorrow, okehh! :') tomorrow i'll be free fer a half day. no sleeping in class n no 'telinga bernanah', hehe. :) and ouh yeah!! while im online at facebook this evening, i saw Nateeka new pic. he wore a pink colour crocs! wooah, soo cute meyhh! :) and i quicklyy comment on that picture. hehe. ;p

ok la, dats all.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hangout with my Babe!

guys,guys,guys! its Sunday! So, lets Have Fun!! :D

this weekend i kuar dengan kawan2 girls i. GIRLS saja ok? totally No boys! trust me dear ;) Kitaorg pegy Megamall, the point is because kami nk main Bowling. yeahh! ;) lama tak main, rinduuu hehe ;p So, im with four others girls, Aimi,Zaty,and the two Fatin's :). just us, only FIVE members! jd lah, pegy ramai2 pon xbest dowh! ;)

First, sampai2 kena parking moto la kan. kami pegy naik moto. Aimi bwak i ye,:) we go to the basement parking. park our moto kt situ then...ahakk! yg jadi masalah skrg ni, i tak tau mcm mna sistem diorg ni. bayar mcm mna? letak helmet kat mna? berapa kena bayar? haiyoo. i tak penah wt sume ni la sebelum ni! thats why lah. haha. blurr gila i time tu. so,i ikot jea Fatin. dya penah parking moto kt situ. kami pegy satu kaunter tu, utk letak helmet rupanya. hehe. RM1 kena bayar. xpe2 murah jeaaa ;D haha. tp sistem dya mmg sgt memeningkan kepala i lah. xmo meh megamall naik moto dh la lepas ni. hoho ngada2 jea! ;D tgk lah, kt tmpt parking moto pon dh berjam2. gila i tak reti sume ni! =___=''

Next, naik atas twus ke tmpt bowling dude! this is what im waiting for! tak sabar sabar dh ni nk meng-hem-pas kan bola yg berat itu! haha. ntah pape jea. ;p *Maaf. :)
bowling was full fer about 15minutes before, but we get lane after that. thanks God. Lane 42 kot? ntah, tak igt dh! hehe. bowling cost me RM7.50. cheap? otakk lu! mhal kot. dulu RM5 jea. skrg dh naik RM2. pe citer?? ah,what ever la. janji i dpt main.
Wooah! best dowh main bowling! i lawan dengan the two Fatin's. Zaty ngan Aimi xnk main. cehh, pe daa korang. malu konon. apa2 pun, time bowling mmg best! sejuk jea tmpt tu. i suke coz i tak berpeluh. :) kami snap2 pic kt situ. hee it was SO fun! btw, lawan bowling, i dapat tempat ke-2. huhu, not bad lah kan? lama xmain ;)

Lepas tu lg, perut dh lapar. so kami nk pegy cari tempat makan lah pulak. nk ikot? jum2 :D tapi sebelum tu, bnyk la kedai yg kami singgah. tgk2 baju. babe, megamall punya stuff its not bad at all. baju cantik kot! harga pon tak mahal. lens just for RM45. tahan setahun! apa lg mau har? best kan. ouh, u know what? i geramm tgk kasut2 td. cantikk ;) wooah, tggu i ada duit je ok? i'll buy all. yeah, ALL. hehe. singgah kt Popular jugak td. Fatin nk beli brg sikit. kami ikot jea. i sempat lagi snap2 dlm tu. ngehehe. i kan budak gila kamera :)

Yes, I DO LOVES YOUUU SYG!!! <3 <3 <3

Lastly, kami pon pegy makan. time tu dh pukul 6 ptg. kami makan kt McD. yeah, such a RIGHT place to go for. hehe. ;) i actually nk order milk shake strawberry. tp Mcd kt sini xde milkshake lah. haih, teruk laa.. so i order beef burger and Milo ais. and its cost me RM7.++ Again! i think its quite expensive. why im feelin like dis har? i tahu! because i pon tak berapa nk ada duit skrg ni! hoho :D must jimat2 la sygs. ;)

yeahh! we having a great time together yaw! ;) thanks to all my babe! u guys such a hillarious. time kt McD td paling i suke lah. asyik gelak jea. haha makan pon tak senang. hehe. we spend time in the right mood. so everyone is happy right? accept 'diorg' yg x puas hati tu. haha, terasa ke? amik sume ok? ;) Nevermind at all. i happy lepak dgn geng Fatin. i meant my NEW geng. hahaha :D

ok la, dats all fer todayy.
mood; FUN!!!! ;D