Wednesday, February 24, 2010


lol, :)

i have something to admit.! before i take dis thing, i have been walking around, just looking at it, but cannot have it. even touch it.! arrgh, like so horny bebeh! ;D haha. then, one day, i get a chance to try on it. wahh, syukur nikmat.! hoho. after try one, i just cannot forget bout it n keep thinking every single day.! gilax.!X-)haha, Y-E-S! mmg i dh crazy.! crazy n addicted on it!! its milky... creamy... slurrps! yummy! B-) x tahan bhaii, HAHA

benda itu ialah...


YAHH!!! :) ini dya!

~Starbucks caramel frappucino :)

~uhh, look at that.! so,creamyy..awwww :)

~wahh, tgk tuu peanut..err gerammm! :p

well, now u all dh tau en.i dh GILA dengan minuman alah ni,haha ;D kalau boleh tiap2 ary nk. tp pokaii la duit aku! haih,keh3. tp wt skrg ni, i dh try 3 flavour ice blended, Mocha white coffee,chocolate, n cappucino. sume tu laen2 rasenya. tp sume SEDAPP sgt! :-D best!!

to; ice blended

i heart u,
u are my one & only.
this addiction,
u gave me happiness.
coffee is LOVE,
i <3 u :)

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